Recopilación de boletines agroclimáticos de las MTA de Chiquimula, Zacapa, Totonicapán, Quetzaltenango y Huehuetenango: Guatemala 2024
Aplicación en la agricultura de técnicas de explicabilidad del aprendizaje de máquinas: Aclarando la caja negra
Mixed Farming Systems in the tropics, a CGIAR Initiative in 5 countries. Challenges and Collaboration in Laos
Over 100,000 Laotian farmers use the seasonal climate forecasts and weekly agro-advisories disseminated via Laos climate services for agriculture to improve crop management
Operations research and machine learning to manage risk and optimize production practices in agriculture: good and bad experience
Decades of cultivar development: A reconciliation of maize and bean breeding projects and their impacts on food, nutrition security, and income of smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa
A multi-objective model exploration of banana-canopy management and nutrient input scenarios for optimal banana-legume intercrop performance