Determinants of dietary diversity and drivers of food choice among low-income consumers in urban Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe
Definition of sensory and instrumental thresholds of acceptability for selection of cassava genotypes with improved boiling properties
Drivers of consumer acceptability of cassava gari-eba food products across cultural and environmental settings using the triadic comparison of technologies approach (tricot)
Kinetics of thermal degradation of carotenoids related to potential of mixture of wheat, cassava and sweet potato flours in baking products
COVID-19 y el sector ganadero bovino en Colombia: Desarrollos actuales y potenciales, impactos y opciones de mitigación
COVID-19 and the bovine livestock sector in Colombia: Current and potential developments, impacts and mitigation options
Review of varietal change in roots, tubers and bananas: consumer preferences and other drivers of adoption and implications for breeding
First Study Shows Eating High-Iron Beans Improves Memory and Attention Span in Female University Students in Rwanda
Procuring biodiversity for schools as part of government plan to improve food and nutrition in Brazil