Market study for the identification of key elements in the design of climate resilience’s financial services for livestock in three departments of Guatemala
Estudio de mercados para la identificación de elementos claves en el diseño de servicios financieros de resiliencia climática en la ganadería de tres departamentos de Guatemala
Radio spots with agroclimatic information from the Local Technical Agroclimatic Committees (LTAC) for the ASO 2022 climate forecast in Eastern Guatemala (Spanish)
Is climate exacerbating the root causes of conflict in Mali? A climate security analysis through a structural equation modeling approach
Ecosistema de actores de servicios digitales de información agroclimática en el sector agrícola Centroamericano
Applying participatory climate risk and livelihoods mapping to define users’ demand for climate services
Multiscale interactions of climate variability and rainfall in the Sogamoso River Basin: Implications for the 1998–2000 and 2010–2012 multiyear La Niña events
Understanding the complexity of disease-climate interactions for rice bacterial panicle blight under tropical conditions
Climate change and its impacts in Southern Africa: A synthesis of existing evidence in support of the World Food Programme’s 2021 Climate Change Position Paper