Environmental assessment and mitigation strategies for dairy cattle farms in Colombia: Greenhouse gas emissions, non -renewable energy use, and land use
Ground Zero? Let’s get real on regeneration! Report: Assessing greenhouse gas emissions from post-harvest residue management in coffee and cocoa production systems
Methane emission, carbon footprint and productivity of specialized dairy cows supplemented with bitter cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
Bloques nutricionales para bovinos a base de frutos de árboles y leguminosas tropicales con potencial de mitigación
Productive, environmental, and economic shifts of dairy systems by adopting silvo-pastoral systems and improved pastures
The carbon footprint of young-beef cattle finishing systems in the Eastern Plains of the Orinoco River Basin of Colombia
Carbon footprint and mitigation scenarios for Hacienda San Jose: Identifying opportunities and challenges using a consolidated modelling framework
Methodological guide. Calculation and comparison of carbon footprints of a current diet and a recommended diet under elements of nutrition and environmental sustainability
Comparison of the carbon footprint of the dietary patterns of the inhabitants of the city of Cali and the "EAT-Lancet diet
Methodological guide. Calculation and comparison of carbon footprints of a current diet and a recommended diet under elements of nutrition and environmental sustainability
Informe grupos focales al nivel local y consulta nacional sobre oportunidades de inversión para la producción ganadera baja en carbono de Nicaragua