Training manual on vegetable seed systems. Module 1: Integrated vegetable seed systems. Integrated vegetable seed systems development in ethnic minority communities in Northern Vietnam for enhanced nutrition and income security
Diverse seeds and planting materials supporting farm resilience, inclusive value chains and healthy diets in a sustainable food system - Quantitative evaluation of community seed bank initiative among indirect beneficiaries in Vihiga County, Kenya …
Promoting the access and adoption of climate smart agriculture innovations through capacity building in Makindu Sub -County Kenya.
Challenges and opportunities for increased participation of women and minorities in capacity development climate programs: CLIFF-Grads case study
Stratégie de changement social et comportemental pour étendre l'accès équitable aux semences de haricots de qualité pour les hommes, les femmes et les jeunes agriculteurs
Empowering farmers and extension workers through capacity building trainings in North Wollo, North Shewa, East Shewa, and Hadiya zones
Redes de innovación territorial en Guatemala y Honduras (InnovaHubs): Hallazgos desde la metodología de evaluación de cosecha de resultados
Reporte de incentivos e inversiones del sector privado para una transición agroecológica en la región Ucayali
Improve household dietary diversity and food consumption patterns through home garden produce. A capacity building training
Tài liệu tập huấn hệ thống giống rau. Tài liệu 1: Phát triển hệ thống giống tích hợp. Phát triển hệ thống giống rau trong cộng đồng dân tộc thiểu số tại miền núi phía Bắc Việt Nam nhằm nâng cao dinh dưỡng và thu nhập