A case of transdisciplinarity and collaborative decision making: the co-construction of Gendered Food Product Profiles
Gendered Varietal and Trait Preferences of consumers, traders and processors in the Common Bean Value Chain in Uganda: Implications for Breeding
Data: Genome-wide association study of cassava brown streak disease resistance in cassava germplasm conserved in South America
Cultivos trotamundo: Una contribucion del ICA y la Alianza Bioversity-CIAT para la investigacion agricola
Adopción de nuevas metodologías de evaluación fenotípica para conocer la respuesta de genotipos de urochloa humidicola al ataque de Aeneolamia varia (Hemiptera: Cercopidae)
Contributing to improved forage options for livestock, environment and forage seed system in Ethiopia
Mejoramiento participativo de líneas avanzadas de arroz con potencial biofortificación en el departamento de Bolívar
CGIAR report to the twelfth session of the intergovernmental technical working group on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture
Description of the ancestral processes for the recognition by the Arhuaco people of the biofortified beans Agrosavia Rojo 43
Multi-environment genomic prediction in BR19. A step toward implementing genomic selection in interspecific Urochloa
Screening, developing, and deploying anti-methanogenic forages into livestock systems in the Global South
Public and private institutional arrangements for early generation seed production: Cassava seed value chains in Southeast Asia
AI-powered detection and quantification of Post-harvest Physiological Deterioration (PPD) in cassava using YOLO foundation models and K-means clustering
Validation of SNP markers for diversity analysis, quality control, and trait selection in a biofortified cassava population