International e-Conference on Germplasm Data Interoperability

Open data, linked data and semantic web technologies will be discussed at the 1st session of the International e-Conference on Germplasm Data Interoperability. Follow the event live by joining the Google Hangout on 6 December 2013, 15.00-17.00 CET.
Open data, linked data and semantic web technologies and how they can be used to maximize the power and increase the interoperability of germplasm datasets will be the focus of the 1st session of the International e-Conference on Germplasm Data Interoperability.
The conference will take place online on 6 December 2013 from 15.00-17.00 CET and will be broadcasted live on Google Hangouts. For more information please visit the conference website.
The online event is organized by Bioversity International, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, Agro-Know Technologies and agINFRA.
Other three sessions will be held in December:
11 December 2013 - Status of data and metadata for germplasm
19 December 2013 - Setting up an infra for the germplasm data
20 December 2013 - Semantic standards and metadata needed for bridging the germplasm data to the breeding/in situ/on-farm data