Big data on biodiversity in Oman

The Oman Animal and Plant Genetic Resources Centre, in partnership with Bioversity International and national stakeholders, is building a comprehensive database of Oman’s plant and animal species that will be accessible to anyone in the world.
Biodiversity loss is happening at an unprecedented rate. Habitat loss and degradation, over-exploitation of natural resources and climate change are some of the contributing factors.
To combat the loss of precious genetic diversity, the Oman Animal and Plant Genetic Resources Centre (OAPGRC), in partnership with Bioversity International and key national stakeholders, is building a comprehensive database of Oman’s plant and animal species – the Genetic Resources Information Platform (GRIP). Recognized as one of the most ambitious and comprehensive animal and plant genebanks in the Middle East, GRIP will, on completion, be accessible to anyone in the world, free of charge via OAPGRC website.
Read more about this initiative in the Times of Oman
Photo: Workshop organized by the Oman Animal and Plant Genetic Resources Centre (OAPGRC), in partnership with Bioversity International and national stakeholders, on the Genetic Resources Information Platform (GRIP). Credit: OAPGRC