Validation of KASP-SNP markers in cassava germplasm for marker-assisted selection of increased carotenoid content and dry matter content
Phenotyping of Urochloa humidicola grass hybrids for agronomic and environmental performance in the Piedmont region of the Orinoquian savannas of Colombia
Editorial: Realizing livelihood and environmental benefits of forages in tropical crop-tree-livestock systems
Diverged subpopulations in tropical Urochloa (Brachiaria) forage species indicate a role for facultative apomixis and varying ploidy in their population structure and evolution
Soil carbon stocks and nitrous oxide emissions of pasture systems in Orinoquía region of Colombia: Potential for developing land-based greenhouse gas removal projects
Digital imaging outperforms traditional scoring methods for spittlebug tolerance in Urochloa humidicola hybrids
The impact of COVID-19 on the sustainable intensification of forage-based beef and dairy value chains in Colombia: A blessing and a curse
Las dimensiones institucionales y estructurales de los Pagos por Servicios Ambientales en Colombia: el caso de los sistemas silvopastoriles
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) flour enriched with date palm fruit (Phoenix dactylifera L.) powder and bean milk for cookies production