Evaluación de 11 genotipos de Megathyrsus maximus para determinar niveles de resistencia al salivazo de los pastos (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) en invernadero
Developing a bioinformatics pipeline for Urochloa spp. mapping population: from RAD sequencing data to identification of QTL for spittlebug resistance
Plant damage assessment in Urochloa spp. to categorize resistance to spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) attack
Evaluación económica y ambiental de un sistema silvopastoril en Colombia: una perspectiva desde los servicios ecosistémicos
Improving food security, nutrition, incomes, natural resource base, and gender equity for better livelihoods of smallholders in sub-Saharan Africa - Seven Years of Impact: 2015–2021. Summary Report submitted to SDC October 2022
Cost of inaction, benefits of action and benefit-cost analysis of investment in restoration/rehabilitation of livestock systems
Spittlebugs (Hemiptera: Cercopidae): Integrated pest management on gramineous crops in the Neotropical Ecozone
Using phenomics to identify and integrate traits of interest for better-performing common beans: A validation study on an interspecific hybrid and its Acutifolii parents