Productive, environmental, and economic shifts of dairy systems by adopting silvo-pastoral systems and improved pastures
Contrasting accessions of tropical forage Urochloa: Pioneering tool for the prediction of carbon-soil sequestration
Information exchange patterns and technology adoption behavior of cattle farmers in the Colombian Amazon
How do sustainability policies emerge in the Colombian political system? Analysis of the Policy for Sustainable Cattle 2022-2050
Characterizing patterns of seasonal drought stress for use in common bean breeding in East Africa under present and future climates
Genome‐wide association study of grain iron and zinc concentration in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
High-density DArTSeq SNP markers revealed wide genetic diversity and structured population in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm in Ethiopia
Diversity of underutilized vegetables and fruit in Sri Lanka: Prioritization for collection, conservation, genetic improvement, and promotion
Report on Vietnam TOC reflection meeting of CGIAR Initiative on Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion
Thematic evidencing of youth-empowering interventions in livestock production systems in Sub-Sahara Africa: A systematic review