Reference genomes of two promising Phaseolus vulgaris common bean varieties for breeding purposes VAP5 and NABE12C
The reference genomes of four cassava breeding elite progenitors: SM2775-4, CG1141-1, CM9912-167, and SM1127-8
Hyperspectral calibration database on fresh cassava to predict optimal cooking time (OCT) and water absorption at 30'
de Verdal et al. Optimization of multi-generation multi-location genomic prediction models for recurrent genomic selection in an upland rice population
NIRS Database on fresh blended cassava for Dry Matter, Water absorption, Texture & cooking Time at CIAT, Colombia
NIRS Database on fresh blended cassava for DM, Water absorption, texture parameters & cooking time (OCT) at CIAT, Colombia
Owning the land, but at what cost? Changes in power relations and land accumulation in cattle ranching in wartime Colombia