Perennial forage species and soil microbial nitrogen transformations in East Africa: Implications for climate-smart agriculture
CLEANED awareness training for Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Program (KCSAP) digital dairy project team
Covid-19 and the Colombian cattle sector: Current and potential developments, impacts and mitigation options
Scaling-out knowledge: how the pandemic helped spreading the voice for a more sustainable cattle sector
Farming systems and forage cultivation in Western Kenya and SNNPR Ethiopia: RHoMIS baseline survey report
EthiopiaGrass: A novel approach to forage and food production, land restoration, and climate resilience in Ethiopia
Assessing the environmental impacts of smallholder dairy intensification through improved feeding strategies in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania
Cultivos trotamundo: Una contribución del ICA y la Alianza Bioversity-CIAT para la investigación agrícola