50 years publishing on tropical forages - from Tropical Grasslands and Pasturas Tropicales to Tropical Grasslands -Forrajes Tropicales
Environmental management in smallholder dairy production in Tanzania: A training manual for agripreneurs and technical extension staff
CLEANED ex-ante environmental impact assessment of dairy production systems in Tanzania: Baseline validation workshop report (Arusha, Tanzania, 30-31 March 2021)
What and who has determined adoption? A study on improved forage technologies in Colombia from an Agricultural Innovation System (AIS) perspective
From theory to practice: what should we have in mind when building an effective and sustainable Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) scheme for silvopastoral systems? Evidence from Colombia
Estimation of the optimal nitrogen dose in a Brachiaria humidicola-corn rotation system in the Colombian Eastern Plains
Promoting forage legume–pollinator interactions: Integrating crop pollination management, native beekeeping and silvopastoral systems in tropical Latin America
Policy Actions for Climate Smart Dairy Development in Tanzania: Policy Briefing report (10 August 2021)
Report of a CLEANED online awareness and training workshop or the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Program Digital Dairy Project Team19 August 2021
Improving forage productivity for increased livestock production using biochar and green manure amendments
Data and evidence-driven assessment of priorities for the Livestock, Climate and System Resilience (LCSR) One CGIAR global initiative