Assessing the potential for niche market development to contribute to farmers' livelihoods and agrobiodiversity conservation: Insights from the finger millet case study in Nepal
Mixing methods for holistic project evaluations: revisiting Nepal's home garden project through a qualitative lens
What does it cost to improve household diets in Nepal? Using the cost of the diet method to model lowest cost dietary changes
Implementing the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: experiences and achievements of eight countries from around the world
An analysis of social seed network and its contribution to on-farm conservation of crop genetic diversity in Nepal
Community seed banks in Nepal past, present, future: Proceedings of a National Workshop, 14-15 June 2012, Pokhara, Nepal
Cultivating partnerships between CSOs and CGIAR centres: the case of a LI-BIRD Bioversity International International Partnership for in situ agricultural biodiversity conservation on farm in Nepal
Inventorying diversity, use and conservation status of indigenous fruit and nut species of Nepal for developing 'conservation through use' strategies
Inventorying diversity, use and conservation status of indigenous fruit and nut species of Nepal for developing conservation through use strategies