Towards the establishment of Agroecological Living Landscapes: Considerations for stakeholder engagement and the establishment of Agroecological Living Landscapes (ALLs)
Transitioning to zero deforestation cocoa supply chains: multi-stakeholder platforms are no silver bullet
Innovation systems for deforestation-free cocoa value chains: A case study from the Ucayali region of Peru
Co-design of agroecological transition pathways: Outcomes of an early Pause and Reflect of the CGIAR Initiative on Agroecology
Intervenciones integradas para fortalecer la resiliencia de productores de cacao frente la amenaza del cambio climático
Manual de renovación de copa de cacao. Lecciones aprendidas del cacao Blanco de Piura y Chuncho de Cusco
Rural livelihood diversification is associated with lower vulnerability to climate change in the Andean-Amazon foothills
Caracterización socioeconómica de las cadenas de valor de cacao con énfasis en la problemática de cadmio en Piura y Huánuco, Perú