Develando oportunidades de mejora de los inventarios de emisiones de GEI para la producción ganadera en la región
Public policies for the development of sustainable cattle sector with silvo-pastoral systems in Colombia, Argentina, and Costa Rica
Applying co-integrated panel models to estimate long-term relationships between cattle production and greenhouse gas emissions for Latin America
The digital agriculture project has transformed the use of data to promote climate smart agriculture in Latin America.
Status and opportunities for improvement in greenhouse gas emission inventories for the cattle production in Latin America and the Caribbean region: A perspective
Public policies for the development of a sustainable, forage based cattle sector in Latam: A comparative analysis
Integrated modeling to achieve global goals: lessons from the Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-use, and Energy (FABLE) initiative
Public policies and silvo-pastoral systems in Colombia, Argentina, and Costa Rica: A comparative analysis
Public policies for the development of a sustainable cattle sector in Colombia, Argentina, and Costa Rica: A comparative analysis (2010–2020)
Certificación sanitaria del germoplasma de Mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Jornada sobre el panorama actual de la enfermedad del mosaico común de la mandioca en cultivos de Argentina. En el marco del premio de la asociación global entre…