Building Resilience to Enhance Food and Nutrition Security, Incomes and Health in Northern Uganda (BRENU). Training module 1: Basic nutrition concepts curriculum and facilitators’ guide
Building Resilience to Enhance Food and Nutrition Security, Incomes and Health in Northern Uganda (BRENU). Training Module 2: Enhancing smallholder household dietary diversity through kitchen gardens curriculum and facilitators’ guide
Building Resilience to Enhance Food and Nutrition Security, Incomes and Health in Northern Uganda (BRENU). Training Module 3: Basic concepts of food utilization and preparation curriculum and facilitators’ guide
Mapping the advisory needs and information ecosystems of potato farmers in Nigeria and Kenya. Sub-lever inclusive design & user research
Harnessing the power of partnerships to introduce and accelerate adoption of new, nutritious and climate-smart varieties . The case of TARI Bean 6 in Tanzania
Upscaling bean-based recipes: Training 1000+ trainers in Malawi. Government and NGOs collaborate to incorporate beans to enhance quality of nutrition programs
Nitrogen and phosphorus mineralization and their corresponding monetary values under long‐term integrated soil fertility management practices
Diagrammatic representation of the nexus between agrobiodiversity, climate change, nutrition and health outcomes