Nitrogen fixation and drought resistance of selected forage legumes for smallholder farmers in Uganda
Agronomic survey to assess crop yield, controlling factors and management implications: a case-study of Babati in northern Tanzania
Evaluating genetic association between Fusarium and Pythium root rots resistances in the bean genotype RWR 719
What factors influence the adoption of inorganic fertilizer by maize farmers? A case of Kakamega District, Western Kenya
Complementary effects of organic and mineral fertilizers on maize production in the smallholder farms of Meru South District, Kenya
Predicting the future climatic suitability for cocoa farming of the world's leading producer countries, Ghana and Côte d 'Ivoire
Effect of land-use types on soil enzymatic activities and chemical properties in semi-deciduous forest areas of Central -West Côte d’Ivoire
Expanding market access and value addition in selected agricultural value chains: the role of IAR4D in the Lake Kivu Pilot Learning Site