Assessment of biomass transfer from green manure to soil macrofauna in agroecosystem-soil macrofauna biomass
Soil invertebrate macrofauna composition within agroforestry and forested ecosystems and their role in litter decomposition in Embu, Kenya
Effect of organic and inorganic nutrient sources on soil mineral nitrogen and maize yields in Western Kenya
Integrated soil fertility management research at TSBF: the framework, the principles, and their application
Farmers` independent experimentation with green manure and/or cover crops: a component of participatory research for improving Ugandan farming systems
Designing sustainable, commercial, farmer seed production systems in Africa: case studies from Uganda
Village perspectives on cassava and implications for biotechnology research: a CBN case study in the lake zone of Northern Tanzania
The retail market for fresh and dry beans in Uganda: an investigation of cultivars in prices and implications for breeders
The retail market for fresh and dry beans in Uganda : An investigation of cultivars in prices and implications for breeders
Pruebas e intercambio internacional de germoplasma de yuca: exposiciones presentadas durante el evento interdisciplinario en la sede del CIAT, Palmira, Colombia, 4-6 de febrero
Programme regional du CIAT l`amelioration du haricot dans la region des Grands Lacs en Afrique Centrale Rwanda/Zaire /Burundi. Rapport de stage 21.3.1987-8.4.1987