In situ conservation and use of crop wild relatives in three ACP countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region
Enhancing the link between in situ conservation and use of crop wild relatives (CWR) in the SADC region to underpin regional food security and mitigate predicted adverse impact of climate change
Multiplying diversity: strengthening community seedbanks in South Africa’s smallholder farming areas.
Mobilizing diversity: establishment of the first two community seedbanks in South Africa’s smallholder farming areas
Occurrence and pathogenicity of plant-parasitic nematodes on commonly grown banana cultivars in South Africa
Application of soil quality indicators in semi-arid rangelands in South Africa: perspectives for degradation monitoring
Market access: components, interactions and implications in smallholder agriculture in the former homeland area of South Africa
Savouring diversity: first steps in implementing a strategy to support community seedbanks in South Africa’s smallholder farming areas
Biological and cultural diversity: the role of indigenous agricultural experimentation in development
Soil microbial biomass in semi-arid-communal sandy rangelands in the Western Bophirima district, South Africa