Savouring diversity: first steps in implementing a strategy to support community seedbanks in South Africa’s smallholder farming areas
This report presents the findings of a field mission to Limpopo and Eastern Cape provinces of the Republic of South Africa, following a previous mission which had recommended establishing pilot community seedbanks in each province. See previous report Embracing diversity: inputs for a strategy to support community seedbanks in South Africa’s smallholder farming areas. Report of field visits to Limpopo and Eastern Cape
Using a participatory approach with the farmers and extension staff from the two pilot sites, the mission analyzed current seed systems and seed management practices and discussed the criteria for sound governance and management of community seedbanks. A site for the proposed community seedbank in Sterkspruit was identified and work has started to make the seedbank operational. In addition, food fairs held in both sites celebrated traditional crop diversity and culinary practices of the farming communities, literally savouring the local diversity.