A Dutch entrepreneurial development bank is using a risk assessment tool developed by the alliance with its clients.
Tailored, climate-informed and location-specific agro-advisory services in the highlands of Ethiopia increased smallholder farmers’ wheat grain yields and profitability
A science-based investment due diligence & screening methodology co-developed with Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) to assess CSA impact in their $20 million agribusiness in Africa window round 2 program
Characterizing patterns of seasonal drought stress for use in common bean breeding in East Africa under present and future climates
High-density DArTSeq SNP markers revealed wide genetic diversity and structured population in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm in Ethiopia
Sustainable management practices for durum wheat production: Analyzing specific agronomic interventions on productivity, grain micronutrient content, and quality
Identification and Prioritization of Context-Specific Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices in Major Agro-ecological Zones of Ethiopia
Empowering women with digital solutions: Leveraging the potential of the private sector for socio-technical innovation