Projects and Flagship Initiatives in Tanzania

Over time, there has been tremendous growth in the portfolio of projects operating within the Tanzania office. Explore them below.
The projects include;
1000FARMS (BMGF $6.8M) which focuses on developing and pioneering a network of digitally-enabled on-farm variety evaluation and testing;
Artemis (BMGF $5M) which is developing imagery technology to enable on-farm phenotyping;
Accelerated varietal turnover (BMGF $4.6M) which is developing new models to accelerate variety turnover for open-pollinated crops;
On-farm Genomic Selection (BMGF $4.0M), which is pioneering new methods to perform early-generation on-farm breeding, linked to genomic markers to estimate genetic correlation between on farm and on station and bean population development.
GxExM Innovation in Intelligence (GEMINI) sub awardee; (BMGF $ 154,100), an AI-enabled biophysical framework, integrated with genomics, that predicts yield and nutritional quality traits based on genotype/variety and location,
SSUCURETA (IFAD) $214,324, Supporting the recovery of priority food crop value chains from the effects of COVID 19 to strengthen community resilience, markets, and trade development in Tanzania.
The TARI bean program in collaboration with the Alliance through PABRA has promoted various gender-responsive pre- and post-harvest technologies including use of both organic and inorganic fertilizers, seed dressing chemicals, multi-crop threshers (MCT), planters, pests, and disease management, metallic silos, hermetic bags etc. The project partnered with Crop Bioscience Solutions to promote mechanization services bundled with improved seed, Good agronomic practices (GAP) and information that are climate smart in Manyara region reaching 6,500 acres (650 farmers of which 61 are female). Farmers adopting bundling services realized an increase in productivity from 750kg/ha to 1,150kg/ha. In Mbulu district within Manyara region, the projects collaborated with BAYMAC company to facilitate the last mile delivery of bundled services of seed of improved varieties, fertilizers, and chemicals to farmers on both cash and credits.
In addition, the projects partnered with Imara Tech in Tanzania and GrainPro company from Kenya to promote postharvest technologies (MCT and Solar bubble driers respectively) across Tanzania. More than 400 MCT were sold for the period of 2019 to 2021 (23% women being women buyers) creating job opportunities for youth as operators and each MCT is estimated to save 50 farmers per season. Six solar bubble driers were purchased and distributed to three farmer groups, two seed companies and two processors to support effective drying of seed and grain during the rainy season. Solar bubble driers and MCT proved to be essential on helping the farmers to get quality grains, reducing time spent on postharvest handling activities especially for women while creating employment for youths.

Seeds of forages are hard to find and are not available for sale. Local livestock feed does not have the same nutritional value as improved varieties. Livestock farmers in the district of Lushoto, in the Tanga region of Tanzania, are finding ways of boosting their production and lowering their environmental impact by planting improved forages.

Uyole 03, an improved bean variety helping farmers improve their lives and empowering women, is the result of a joint effort by the government funded Uyole Agricultural Research Institute, with Technical backstopping from international research organizations such as the International Tropical Agriculture (IITA), the Alliance, ICRISAT, Wageningen University, One Acre Fund and Farm inputs Promotions Services (FIPS) and support from the Tanzanian Government and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Sisal plantations on the road to Lushoto. Local livestock feed does not have the same nutritional value as improved varieties. Livestock farmers in the district of Lushoto, in the Tanga region of Tanzania, are finding ways of boosting their production and lowering their environmental impact by planting improved forages.

Testing different forage varieties like Brachiaria for yield and drought resilience. Local livestock feed does not have the same nutritional value as improved varieties. Livestock farmers in the district of Lushoto, in the Tanga region of Tanzania, are finding ways of boosting their production and lowering their environmental impact by planting improved forages.

Farmers at a community plot testing different forages. Local livestock feed does not have the same nutritional value as improved varieties. Livestock farmers in the district of Lushoto, in the Tanga region of Tanzania, are finding ways of boosting their production and lowering their environmental impact by planting improved forages.

Active projects
In Tanzania, our active projects include the following.
Project | Lead | Donor |
Jacob Van Etten |
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | |
Livestock, Climate and System Resilience (Livestock and Climate) |
CGIAR Fund | |
Fruit and Vegetables for Sustainable Healthy Diets (Fruits and Vegetables) |
CGIAR Fund | |
More fruit diversity for food security: conservation of local agricultural diversity and increasing the adaption of newly introduced climate smart bananas for different agro-ecozones in the African Great Lakes Region |
Belgium | |
Supporting The Recovery of Priority Food Crop Value Chains from The Effects of Covid 19 To Strengthen Community Resilience, Markets, And Trade Development in Tanzania |
IITA | |
Improving common bean and cowpea productivity and nutritional quality under conditions of reproductive-stage high-temperature stress |
University of California (FFAR) | |
FarmGS-Beans |
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation |
Accelerated Variety Turnover for Open-pollinated Crops |
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | |
Artemis - Phenotyping technologies to enable on-farm breeding |
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | |
Italy-IFAD-Climate Change Adaptation Project Design Support Studies |
Evan Girvetz
CIMMYT Accelerated Innovation Delivery Initiative (AIDI) |
Evan Girvetz
Hosting Agreement between CIAT and Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture |
Alliance |
Syngenta Foundation |
Crop Management Efficiency: Adaptation of promising crop management technologies to land and production environments in Babati, Tanzania |
Job Maguta