Webinar Series: Science of Climate Action to Impact Agrifood Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean

Climate change is profoundly affecting Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) endangering agriculture, water, and public health. Increased hurricanes and flooding displace communities and damage economies. Rising sea levels threaten coastal areas, and the resulting inequalities affect vulnerable populations and indigenous communities. Addressing these challenges in the LAC region requires concerted efforts, innovative solutions and regional and international cooperation.
Under the above context and within the framework of the Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week (LACCW), the Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), together with the Platform for Climate Action in Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean (PLACA), has organized a series of webinars that seek to emphasize the importance of scientific contributions and regional mechanisms of voluntary cooperation to address the challenges of the climate crisis in the region's agri-food systems.

To register for the webinars, please fill out this form.