Sustainable cassava production in Asia for multiple uses and for multiple markets: Proceedings of the ninth regional workshop held in Nanning, Guangxi, China PR, 27 Nov - 3 Dec 2011
Working with farmers : The key to achieving adoption of more sustainable cassava production practices on sloping land in Asia
Farmer participatory approaches in the development of technologies to achieve sustainable cassava production in Thailand and Vietnam
A participatory and inter-institutional projects to enhance the sustainability of cassava production in Thailand, Vientam and China : Its impact on soil erosion and farmers` income
Improving the sustainability of cassava-based cropping systems in Asia : A farmer participatory approach to technology development and dissemination
Working with farmers : The challenge of achieving adoption of more sustainable cassava production practices on sloping land in Asia
Farmers decide: a participatory approach to the development and dissemination of improved cassava technologies that increase yields and prevent soil degradation
Establishment of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for the detection of phytoplasma-associated cassava witches’ broom disease