A model to examine farm household trade-offs and synergies with an application to smallholders in Vietnam
Reviewing Vietnam's Nationally Determined Contribution: A New Perspective Using the Marginal Cost of Abatement
Vulnerability of the agricultural sector to climate change: The development of a pantropical Climate Risk Vulnerability Assessment to inform sub-national decision making
Surveillance for Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus (SLCMV) in Cambodia and Vietnam one year after its initial detection in a single plantation in 2015
Assessing changes in the agricultural systems of selected sites in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam: A Participatory GIS approach
Baseline data for Farm level and community aggregate economic impacts of adopting Climate Smart Agricultural Practices in three Mega Environments
Farmer surveys in Cambodia and Vietnam: cassava planting material use and exchange at national level with 4 district -level case studies
Environmental Analyses to Inform Transitions to Sustainable Diets in Developing Countries: a Component of the EATS Project
Farm-level and community aggregate economic impacts of adopting climate smart agricultural practices in three mega environments
New geographical insights of the latest expansion of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 into the Greater Mekong Subregion