Participatory Community Based Prioritization and Costing of Adaptation Interventions in Lao PDR and Viet Nam (SUMERNET AN-17)
Current situation of cassava in Vietnam and the selection of cassava doubled haploid (dh) lines derived from CIAT
Food, feed, fuel, and fibre for a greener future (š4FGFš): a regional research program to improve eco-efficiency of smallholder agriculture supporting IFAD investment projects in Cambodia, Laos, Viet Nam, and elsewhere
Profitable smallholder beef production in Vietnam: forages - enabling system change and power partnerships
Improving the sustainability of cassava-based cropping systems in Asia: a farmer participatory approach to technology development and dissemination
Regional Workshop on Cassava Breeding, Agronomy and Utilization Research in Asia (3, 1990, Malang, Indonesia). Cassava breeding, agronomy and utilization research in Asia : Proceedings
Regional Workshop Cassava Breeding, Agronomy Research and Technology Transfer in Asia (4, 1993, Trivandrum, Kerala, India). Cassava breeding, agronomy research and technology transfer in Asia : Proceedings
The adoption of new technologies and the socio-economic impact of the Nippon Foundation cassava project in Vietnam