Transforming Resilience in Pastoral Areas of Ethiopia: The Launch of a User-Centered Integrated Rangeland and Water Monitoring and Early Warning System in Pastoral areas of Ethiopia
Women-led cooperative driving adoption of climate-smart agriculture strategies in Makindu, Makueni County
Enhancing Agricultural Practices: Insights from the Impact of AICCRA’s Kenya Agri Hackathon on Post-Harvest Losses
Post-Harvest Loss Solutions Hackathon: Climate-Smart, Gender-Responsive Solutions in Eastern and Southern Africa
Sowing Seeds of Change, Joining Forces to build resilience in agricultural communities by integrating climate, peace, and security
Resiliencia de las fincas y dietas sanas para un sistema alimentario sostenible en el condado de Vihiga, Kenia
Empoderamiento de jóvenes y mujeres mediante el negocio del forraje en Kenia occidental: Aprendizajes del proyecto Grass2Cash