Assessing the potential of wild foods to reduce the cost of a nutritionally adequate diet: an example from eastern Baringo District, Kenya
Analysis of farmers’ valuation of common bean attributes and preference heterogeneity under environmental stresses of Kenya
Diversifying local agriculture: Agricultural diversity on smallholder farms and in local markets in Western Kenya
Diversifying local diets: nutrition education for mothers/caregivers improved the diversity of complementary foods of children in Western Kenya
Can short-season grain legumes contribute to more resilient and productive farming systems in semi-arid Eastern Kenya?
Climatic gradients along the windward slopes of Mount Kenya and their implication for crop risks. Part 2: crop sensitivity
Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition Initiative: Harnessing agricultural biodiversity to reduce hunger and malnutrition
Role of wild, neglected and underutilized foods in reducing the cost of a diet in the eastern region of Baringo District , Kenya
Diversifying community income through value adding and awareness:- A first attempt to produce popped snacks from traditional crops in Busia District, Kenya. International Symposium on Underutilized Plants. Arusha, Tanzania, 3-7 March 2008