Economic analysis of PABRA-led projects in Burundi and Zimbabwe: Application of cost-benefit analysis approach
Prototipos de productos alimenticios más nutritivos con la inclusión de harinas de fríjol, maíz y batata
Role of aminopeptidase N-like in the acquisition of begomoviruses by Bemisia tabaci, the whitefly vector
Impact of Bt corn expressing Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner insecticidal proteins on the growth and survival of Spodoptera frugiperda larvae in Colombia
Notas técnicas de prácticas y tecnologías de ganadería climáticamente inteligentes para la Orinoquía Colombiana
The contribution of local shrubs to the carbon footprint reduction of traditional dairy systems in Cundinamarca, Colombia
How do sustainability policies emerge in the Colombian political system? A kaleidoscope model analysis of the policy for sustainable cattle 2022-2050
Content and distribution of cyanogenic compounds in cassava roots and leaves in association with physiological age
Role of aminopeptidase N‐like in the acquisition of begomoviruses by Bemisia tabaci, the whitefly vector
Definition of sensory and instrumental thresholds of acceptability for selection of cassava genotypes with improved boiling properties