Caractérisation des chaînes de valeur et des marchés des cultures négligées et sous-utilisées à l’Ouest du Niger: Cas de patate douce, manioc, moringa, gombo, oseille et voandzou
An econometric analysis on the direct and indirect effects of climate variability on conflict. The case of Kenya.
Assessing climate resilience in rice production: Measuring the impact of the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s IWRM scheme in the Senegal River Valley using remote sensing and machine learning
Enhancing trader seed delivery models for sorghum and groundnuts: The case of Tanzania’s Kibaigwa Flour Supplies Ltd
Effectiveness of climate information services: An evaluation of the accuracy and socio-economic benefits for smallholder farmers in Niger and Mali
Catalyzing climate security interventions through participatory mapping in arid and semi-arid counties of Kenya