Household dynamics influencing effective eradication of Xanthomonas wilt in smallholder banana systems in Ugunja division-Kenya
Congruent phylogeographic patterns of eight tree species in Atlantic Central Africa provide insights on the past dynamics of forest cover
Sustainable use and conservation of Vitex doniana Sweet: unlocking the propagation ability using stem cuttings
Enhancing germination and seedling growth in Vitex doniana Sweet for horticultural prospects and conservation of genetic resources
Assessing incidence, development and distribution of banana bunchy top disease across the main plantain and banana growing regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo
The effect of banana Xanthomonas wilt on beer-banana value chains in Central Uganda: an exploratory study
Effect of banana leaf pruning on banana and legume yield under intercropping in farmers' fields in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Dietary contribution of wild edible plants to women's diets in the buffer zone around the Lama forest, Benin - an underutilized potential
Nitrogen dynamics and nitrous oxide emissions in a long-term trial on integrated soil fertility management in Western Kenya
Genotypic variation for tolerance to low soil phosphorous in common bean under controlled screen house conditions
Exclusion of soil macrofauna did not affect soil quality but increased crop yields in a sub-humid tropical maize-based system
From space to plot: assessment of land degradation pattern in Kenya and its implication for sustainable land management