Agronomic evaluation of Leucaena. Part 2. Productivity of the genus for forage production in subtropical Australia and humid-tropical Philippines
A staggered maize-legume intercrop arrangement robustly increases crop yields and economic returns in the highlands of Central Kenya
Phosphate rock utilization by soybean genotypes on a low-P savanna soil and the status of soil P fractions after a subsequent maize crop
Effects of cropping systems, maize residues application and N fertilization on promiscuous soybean yields and diversity of native rhizobia in Central Kenya
Farm-scale tradeoffs between legume use as forage versus green manure: the case of Canavalia Brasiliensis
New genetic sources of resistance in the genus Phaseolus to individual and combined aluminium toxicity and progressive soil drying stresses
Genetic diversity in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides from Stylosanthes spp. at centers of origin and utilization