Intake, digestibility and nitrogen utilization by sheep fed with provenances of Calliandra calothyrsus Meissner with different tannin structure
In vitro evidence for the importance of cultivation conditions on the effects of Calliandra tannins on ruminal escape of soybean protein and its post-ruminal degradability
Genetic diversity in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides from Stylosanthes spp. at centers of origin and utilization
Forage legumes for improved fallows in agropastoral systems of subhumid West Africa. I. Establishment, herbage yield and nutritive value of legumes as dry season forage
Effect of sward attributes on legume selection by oesophageal-fistulated and non-fistulated steers grazing a tropical grass-legume pasture
Effects of sample post harvest treatment on aerobic decomposition and anaerobic in-vitro digestion of tropical legumes with contracting quality
Effect of crop rotation and nitrogen fertilization on yield and nitrogen efficiency in maize in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria
Effect of excess water in an oxisol on ammonium, nitrate, iron and manganese availability and nutrient uptake of two tropical forage species
Contributions to yield, nitrogen fixation and transfer by local and exotic legumes in tropical grass-legume mixtures in Western Samoa