Genetic clustering, and diversity of African panel of released common bean genotypes and breeding lines
Improving phosphorus acquisition efficiency through modification of root growth responses to phosphate starvation in legumes
Appui a la mise en oeuvre de l’ Integration Regionale des Centres de Recherche et a la coordinaton regionale. Project Intégré de Croissance Agricole dans les Grand Lacs (PICAGL) –Projet Régional
Data-driven breeding approaches for sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L) and common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) intercropping for yield enhancement in Kenya
Agronomic and economic performance of legume-legume and cereal-legume intercropping systems in Northern Tanzania
Oportunidades y retos para innovaciones en las cadenas de valor de maíz y frijol en Honduras: resultados de estudio de alcance del WP2
Leveraging digital tools and crowdsourcing approaches to generate high-frequency data for diet quality monitoring at population scale in Rwanda