Martin Alejandro Mena Urbina

Nicaraguan citizen, graduated in Agronomy Engineering with orientation in Zootechnics from the Instituto Superior de Ciencias Agropecuarias (currently UNA) in 1986, and studied for a Master's degree in Livestock at the Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agrícolas de México, from 1996 to 1998.
I worked for 26 years at the service of the Nicaraguan government in different instances related to the technological development of livestock, holding the positions of livestock specialist, national researcher in pasture and forage and national coordinator of research in pasture and livestock feeding. During this time my main experience and contributions in livestock technological development were oriented towards better practices and management systems for pasture establishment, grazing management and livestock feeding options to face the shortage of pasture in the dry season.
I started working with the Alliance since 2013 in the CIAT Tropical Forages Program as a Research Assistant. During the time I have been integrated in the Alliance team I have provided my knowledge and experiences, and I have learned, working in bilateral projects and CGIAR research for development initiatives, getting involved in activities related to the generation and transfer of scientific evidence on technologies based on tropical forages for their integration into sustainable livestock strategies and systems with greater capacity for adaptation to climate change and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts associated with livestock systems.