Claudia Martinez Zuleta

Claudia Martinez has more than 30 years of practical experience in sustainable development, finance and climate change. She is the Director of E3- Ecology, Economics and Ethics, supporting innovating programs and actions to foster sustainable development, new economies and financial schemes. She is representative for Colombia and Co-chair of the country programs of the Food and Land Use Coalition- FOLU. She was a member of the independent advisory Panel of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) assessing the projects for the board’s approval. She was Director of the Office of Sustainable Development and later Vice President for Social and Environmental Development at the Latin American Development Bank (CAF) managing the portfolio of environmental and social projects as well as small and medium enterprises (SMEs). As Deputy Minister of Environment of Colombia, she coordinated the Environmental system of the country for four years. She worked for the Latin American Bureau of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in New York, managing the portfolio of environmental projects. She studied Business Administration at Los Andes University in Bogotá and holds a master’s degree in development economics and a master’s degree in Environmental Studies from Yale University. She is co-founder of Sistema B, the B Corporation movement in Colombia. She has served in several boards nationally and internationally, has been an author and a professor.