Rice Observatory

The Rice Observatory is an initiative led by the Laboratory of Applied Economics of the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, with support from the Latin American Fund for Irrigated Rice (FLAR, its acronym in Spanish), to establish an information system that provides indicators related to the productive context of rice in Latin America. It includes data related to the context of rice in each country, information on the production system, information on trade and competitiveness, consumption data rice, policies and incentives in the industry, inventory of technologies related to rice, recent news on rice, inventory of quality requirements of rice cultivation and indicators related to the agronomic management of rice in the region.
The Rice Observatory is a web platform, managed by the Alliance and FLAR, presenting the data provided in the Monitoring and Follow-up Survey of the Rice Sector in Latin America, in a dynamic and interactive manner for the benefit of the key players in the rice sector.
In what context is this tool useful?
This tool is useful for all rice growers in Latin America that need to...
- Learn more about consumption and annual household spending on rice, one of the most consumed foods in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Explore recent information related to the rice sector and historical charts of rice production broken down by region
- Examine the grain quality profiles for more than 200 rice varieties released in Latin America.
- Compare different quality parameters between varieties and download standards and regulation related to grain quality prevailing in different countries across the region
- Analyze international trade flows of rice for Latin American countries
- Delve into the main markets of origin and destination of the rice they produce and consume in the region
- Explore price information at producer, wholesale, and retail level
- Download and explore tools and publications related to rice.
The Rice Observatory responds to the requests expressed by all members of FLAR. They wanted to understand and improve regional competitiveness, emphasizing cost efficiency gains and natural resources sustainability.
Each year the information collected by the Monitoring and Follow-up Survey of the Rice Sector in Latin America is entered into a database for analysis. To request specific database information please refer to the Contact information (see below).
The work of the Rice Observatory is complemented with information compiled from databases of national and international organizations. The following databases are publicly accessible and can be consulted online here: riceobservatory.org/en/data/contexto
Contact people
Robert Andrade - [email protected]
Sergio Urioste