
Monitoring the Emergence, Occurrence and Global Distribution of Pests and Diseases
PestDisPlace collect, integrate and analyze data on the global occurrence of crop pests and diseases available from different public sources. It's a place to integrate and collectively monitor the occurrence and movement of pests and diseases, based on symptoms recording and confirmation by molecular diagnostics.
Different pests and diseases threaten crop production in the tropics. Vegetative propagated crops, such as cassava, are particularly sensitive to damage from pest infestation and pathogen infections, as they tend to build up in successive cycles of propagation. Continuously monitoring the spatial spread and incidence of pest and pathogen is necessary to act swiftly to new outbreaks and reduce the chances of spreading and re-introductions. A first step is to define and identify characteristic disease symptoms for each disease, including leaf mosaics, apical necrosis, root deformation etc. For decades CIAT has been working extensively on the understanding and the development of diagnostic tools and solutions for pathogens associated with such diseases.
PestDisPlace is a collaborative initiative to integrate and collectively monitor the occurrence of such symptoms and associated pests and pathogens (including confirmation by molecular diagnostics). It is a modern LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) web application that runs on the latest version of MariaDB and Laravel PHP framework. A team of CGIAR researchers curates the data before it is included into the PestDisPlace database and maps.
Concept by: Wilmer J. Cuellar, Leroy Mwanzia, Joe Tohme
Developers: Leroy Mwanzia, Derlyn Lourido, Carolina Garcia, Paola Cruz, Lizbeth Pino, Andrés Felipe Martínez, María Isabel Gómez and Wilmer J. Cuellar.
Thanks to all our colleagues in CIAT and collaborating institutions for data sharing. Visuals and data from PestDisPlace may be used as long as a link to '' is provided together with the following citation:
PestDisPlace: Monitoring the distribution of pests and diseases Version 3.0
Cuellar WJ, Mwanzia L, Lourido D, Martinez AF, Rodriguez R, Garcia C.
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), 2022
Wilmer J. Cuellar
Senior Scientist
Crops for Nutrition and Health
[email protected]