Leveraging social assistance to strengthen women’s and girls’ climate resilience: What is the potential, and what are promising program designs?
Leveraging social protection to strengthen women’s and girls’ roles in climate-resilient agrifood systems
From reach to transformation: Leveraging the RBET Framework to secure women’s land and resource rights
How does a network of Colombian interethnic women foster resilience to climate change and contribute to gender equality?
¿Cómo una red de mujeres interétnicas colombianas fomenta la resiliencia al cambio climático y contribuye a la igualdad de género?
Cultural and economic barriers and opportunities for the participation of women in agricultural production systems: A case study in Guatemala
Financial tools for enhancing smallholder farmers' climate resilience: Strategies for synergizing insurance and credit
Mainstreaming traditional fruits, vegetables and pulses for nutrition, income, and sustainability in sub-Saharan Africa: the case for Kenya and Ethiopia
Tools and methods for gender research and integration in agricultural value chain, market and entrepreneurship projects
Bundling agri-food systems innovations for women’s resilience and empowerment Building the evidence base
Dietary health clubs for ethnic minority women in Northern Vietnam improved diet quality through vegetable and nutrition capacity building and seed access.
Women’s investment club integrates climate-risk into accelerator and contributes to the uptake of climate-smart solutions in Senegal. AICCRA’s research and engagement is enhancing the awareness and capacity for private actors
A situational assessment of water access, utilization, and management in Borena Zone, Southern Ethiopia: Women’s perspective and local experiences to reach out [to] them.