Identification, characterization, and determinants of dietary patterns of low-income urban adults in Vietnam and Nigeria
Home gardens, dietary diversity and household food security in urban informal settlements in Kisumu, Kenya
Navigating nourishment: Unveiling disparities between rural and urban food environment - A case study in Kenya
Determinants of dietary diversity and drivers of food choice among low-income consumers in urban Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe
Land cover mapping of Bengaluru's urban and surrounding area with Spatiotemporal open-source remote sensing data
Securing nature’s contributions to people requires at least 20%–25% (semi-)natural habitat in human-modified landscapes
Food mapping approaches for understanding food system transformations in rapid-growth city regions in the Global South
Increasing traditional vegetable consumption in Cavite, Philippines: Understanding consumer and market vendor preferences
Optimizing water use efficiency in urban green space of a hyper-arid megacity through tree species selection: a case study
Barrier analysis for adequate daily fruit and vegetable consumption among low-income residents of Hanoi, Vietnam and Ibadan, Nigeria
Household survey data on income, food security and dietary behaviour among women and children from urban and per urban regions of Nairobi metropolitan