Multi-environment genomic prediction in BR19. A step toward implementing genomic selection in interspecific Urochloa
In vitro inhibition of Xanthomonas vasicola pv. musacearum, the causal agent of banana Xanthomonas Wilt, using medicinal plant extracts from North Kivu, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Co-designing and testing delivery channels for a high-frequency data collection system to inform near real-time decision -making in food systems in Guatemala
Drivers of consumer acceptability of cassava gari-eba food products across cultural and environmental settings using the triadic comparison of technologies approach (tricot)
Co-developing and co-validating location-specific fertilizer and agroclimate advisory service for Wheat in Ethiopia: the Digital Green Use Case
Detection of Banana Mild Mosaic Virus in musa in vitro plants: High-throughput sequencing presents higher diagnostic sensitivity than (IC)-RT-PCR and identifies a new betaflexiviridae species
Data synthesis of multiple on-farm trials to generate regional variety recommendations: the case of common bean in Central America
Working across institutions and disciplines for science-based responses to fight COVID-19 in Ethiopia