Implementación y monitoreo de tecnologías para una ganadería sostenible en el departamento de Caquetá
Adoption factors of forage innovations in cattle production systems in the northwest highlands of Vietnam
The Colombian Roundtable for Sustainable Cattle (MGS-Col): Progress toward sustainable cattle farming in Colombia in 2024
Un plan paso a paso para integrar el conocimiento adquirido en la parcela digital y diplomados en los programas académicos.
Who does technology serve? A critical analysis of sociocultural factors shaping opportunities, practices and barriers faced by a smallholders in south-western Colombia
Meeting EU cacao cadmium limits: A novel, real-time technology ensures 100% compliance for one of Peru’s largest farming cooperatives.
Environmental footprints of smallholder dairy systems at landscape level: A case study of Tanga and Kilimanjaro regions in Tanzania
A protocol for measuring cassava bacterial blight disease progression, using machine-learning image analysis
Atelier de lancement du projet AT-TARSPro et formation des équipes pays sur l’Agriculture Intelligente face au Climat (AIC)