Characterizing the diversity of farming systems at the municipal level in Nepal through a quantitative typology
Cattle farming, armed conflict, and climate change: Possibilities and limitations in a case study in the Colombian Amazon
Experiencias de la Alianza Bioversity International y CIAT en la formulación de la NAMA Ganadera Bovina Sostenible
Experiences on formulating Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) on sustainable bovine livestock
Insights for enhancing gender equity and social inclusion through sustainable intensification of mixed farming systems of Malawi
Enhancing resource efficiency and sustainability in mixed farming systems: FarmDESIGN-based strategies for crop -livestock integration - Hawassa Zuriya, Ethiopia
Enhancing sustainable intensification in Ethiopia through landscape restoration interventions: The sustainable intensification assessment framework approach
Smallholder farmers’ preferences for sustainable intensification attributes in maize production: Evidence from Ghana
Novel insights into factors associated with yield response and nutrient use efficiency of maize and rice in sub-Saharan Africa. A review
Evaluation of feed resources availability and use for sustainable livestock production in the Northern highland systems of Lao PDR
A systematic literature review on the relationships between land tenure, cattle farming, and climate change
A stony track towards innovation in remote highland regions: Agricultural intensification in the apricot sector of Northern Pakistan
Research agenda for holistically assessing agricultural strategies for human micronutrient deficiencies in east and southern Africa
Multipurpose forage seed and vegetive material systems in Malawi: Seed business models for forage cultivation and use
Políticas públicas para el desarrollo de un sector ganadero forrajero sostenible en Latinoamérica: Un análisis comparativo
Trade-offs and synergies associated with maize leaf stripping within crop-livestock systems in northern Ghana
Preparing for, coping with and bouncing back after shocks. A nuanced resilience assessment for smallholder farms and farmers in Northern Ghana