Does the adoption of soil carbon enhancing practices translate to increased farm yields? A case of maize yield from Western Kenya
Soil carbon stocks in tropical pasture systems in Colombia’s Orinoquía region: supporting readiness for climate finance
Assessment of commercial bio-inoculants use for sustainable agriculture in tropical agriculture: importance of their microbial quality and consequences for the end users.
Socioeconomic factors influencing the choice of climate-smart soil practices among farmers in western Kenya
Enhancing Soil Carbon in East Africa: The biophysical evidence, socio-economic incentives, and policy implications
Using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for estimating nutritional quality of Brachiaria humidicola in breeding selections
Effects of sustainable land management interventions on selected soil properties in Geda watershed, central highlands of Ethiopia
Design of a Soil-based Climate-Smartness Index (SCSI) using the trend and variability of yields and soil organic carbon
Sustainable land management interventions lead to carbon sequestration in plant biomass and soil in a mixed crop -livestock system: The case of Geda watershed, central highlands of Ethiopia
Assessing the sensitivity and repeatability of permanganate oxidizable carbon as a soil health metric: An interlab comparison across soils
Project: "Scaling up Soil Carbon Enhancement for Food Security and Climate Across Complex Landscapes in Kenya and Ethiopia": Dissemination Workshop presentations.
Xanthomonas Wilt of banana drives changes in land-use and ecosystem services across Infected landscapes
Long-term effects of integrated soil fertility management practices on soil chemical properties in the Sahel