Un acercamiento a modelos productivos interculturales: integración de los saberes locales en la producción de fríjol, maíz y batata biofortificados en la Sierra Nevada
Soil health assessment frameworks and indicators: How can they support regeneration of smallholder farming systems in the Global South?
Importance du ''Velvet bean'' (Mucuna pruriens) comme culture de couverture dans les systèmes de cultures pérennes et la jachère améliorée
Operationalizing the soil health metaphor to create sustainable food systems, with a focus on smallholder farming in the Global South
Mayores concentraciones de Zinc en grano de maíz a través del cultivo en rotación con pastura Urochloa
XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): XII International Symposium on Banana: Celebrating Banana Organic Production
Regenerative agriculture for low-carbon and resilient coffee farms: A practical guidebook. Version 1.0
Assessment of agronomic practices in banana-coffee and banana-cacao systems in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo – an entry point for sustainable and diversified organic systems
How application of agricultural waste can enhance soil health in soils acidified by tea cultivation: A review
Guía práctica: Recuperación de la salud del suelo para la restauración de áreas degradadas por la minería
A benchmarking framework for water use, soil health, land use, productivity, biodiversity, and climate change impacts of livestock modelled with CLEANED
To standardize by mass of soil or organic carbon? A comparison of permanganate oxidizable carbon (POXC) assay methods
Positive impacts of a cowpea-cassava intercropping system on soil biodiversity in Northern Vietnam (Yen Bai Province)
Enabling farmers to assess the soil quality implications of agricultural management options. Farmer citizen science in Madhya Pradesh, India
Intensive short-duration rotational grazing is associated with improved soil quality within one year after establishment in Colombia