Food System Actors engaged in the cocreation of agroecological innovations: Results of three years of engagement in eight countries
Reporte de incentivos e inversiones del sector privado para una transición agroecológica en la región Ucayali
Invisible women: barriers for women professionals in the water, energy, food, and environment sectors in Nepal
Digital sustainability tracing in smallholder context: Ex-ante insights from the Peruvian cocoa supply chain
Are the metrics that companies use effective for monitoring supply chain sustainability? A closer look at cocoa and rice
Evidensia learning event: Measuring women's participation and gender equality in value chain initiatives
Assessing and advancing gender equality in agrifood value chains: A toolkit for firms and voluntary sustainability systems
CGIAR-ISEAL Scoping Study: State of gender integration among ISEAL community members in the agri-food sector
Italy to set the stage for UN Food Systems Summit with three-day event that will deliver bold new ambitions
New development partnership brings much-needed investment for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in the Amazon
CIAT influences more than half a billion dollars of investment in rural development in Asia and Africa