A case study on enhancing dairy cattle sustainability: The impact of silvopastoral systems and improved pastures on milk carbon footprint and farm economics in Cauca department, Colombia
Are cattle keepers willing to pay for improved forage seed varieties? Experimental evidence from Kenya
Participatory forage evaluation for integration in mixed crop-livestock-tree systems in upland intensive and highland extensive systems of Lao PDR: Preliminary assessment and results
Hybrid and improved forage seed markets in East Africa: Developments, bottlenecks, and future opportunities
Assessment of feed resources availability and use for cattle and pigs in Mai Son District, Son La Province, Vietnam
The status of knowledge, attitudes, and practice in the cultivation and usage of improved forages in Kenya and Uganda
Research topics within the Tropical Forages Program – experiences on livestock sustainable management in Colombia
Sistemas de ganado lechero en Kenia: Contexto económico y perspectivas para las nuevas tecnologías forrajeras
Soil carbon stocks and nitrous oxide emissions of pasture systems in Orinoquía region of Colombia: Potential for developing land-based greenhouse gas removal projects
Tapping into the environmental co-benefits of improved tropical forages for an agroecological transformation of livestock production systems
What and who has determined adoption? A study on improved forage technologies in Colombia from an Agricultural Innovation System (AIS) perspective