Insights for enhancing gender equity and social inclusion through sustainable intensification of mixed farming systems of Malawi
Scaling grass-legume forage mixtures for land restoration and livelihoods: A collaborative initiative in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia
Framework for guiding system thinking within the complex mixed farming system in highlands of Ethiopia
Exploring household-level tradeoffs and synergies for redesigning/optimizing mixed farming systems in Northern Ghana and Southern Highland of Ethiopia mixed farming systems
Enhancing resource efficiency and sustainability in mixed farming systems: FarmDESIGN-based strategies for crop -livestock integration - Hawassa Zuriya, Ethiopia
Optimizing land use and management at farm level: Implementation of FarmDESIGN recommended optimizations in Lemmo Woreda , Ethiopia
Multipurpose forage seed and vegetive material systems in Malawi: Seed business models for forage cultivation and use
Crop-livestock synergies and by-products recycling: major factors for agroecology in West African agro-sylvo-pastoral systems
Validation of resilient and drought adapted forage options for mixed farming systems in Northern Ghana
Co-designing socio-technical innovation bundles for the sustainable intensification of mixed farming systems: A methodological note
Discussion with representative participants from Meket district on SI-MFS initiative activities implementation